Thursday, September 1, 2011

Did You Know. . .


September is National Preparedness Month!

In the wake of Hurricane Irene, which has caused widespread damage up the East Coast, I encourage everyone to use this month to think about making yourself and those you care about better prepared for all types of emergencies.

FEMA is an excellent resource for information about preparedness but you should also check with your local emergency management office/agency for info specificc to your area.

For all you NY city dwellers

The NYC Office of Emergency Management has a few ways to get info & updates.

Become a fan on Facebook
Follow them on Twitter
Check the website regularly
Sign up for their tip of the week
Sign up for emergency alerts through NotifyNYC

What does this have to do with weddings?

Have a backup plan - Things happen and it's a lot less stressful if you already have contingency plans in place.

Shannon over at Love in the Big Easy has a great post that links to an incredible wedding that survived a tornado.

Have you taken any steps to be better prepared for emergencies?

1 comment:

  1. good idea on the back up plans!! mother nature is on a rollercoaster.


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