Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Seating chart?

I spent last weekend doing something slightly irrational. I was working on my seating chart. I’m crazy into doing things in advance. So much so, that I now know where everyone is sitting before even sending out (not to mention making) the invites. 

And yes, I should probably have waited till I got the RSVPs back but who cares. I now have a framework. I technically had one of these done before. That one was just a breakdown of who would be at what table. This. . . is assigned seating baby.  

Hot dog! I’m officially off my rocker.

Personal Pic

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Girl with 5 Registries - Part 2

How does a girl who didn’t even really want a registry end up with 5? You read about the first two…here’s the story of the final (?) three.


Monday, March 28, 2011

The Girl with 5 Registries – Part 1

Whew! I totes feel better about the venue and ceremony stuff. Muchas gracias ya’ll! Let’s lighten the mood a bit by talking about how I became the girl with 5 registries. It’s not because I’m greedy. I swear! Mr. H doesn’t even want ONE let alone FIVE.  So start at the beginning we shall.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Fitness Friday – The Return

For those of you who’ve been reading since the beginning you may recall my brief dalliance with the push-up and sit-up challenges. You may also recall my recent enthusiasm for a well priced blue ball. This time I think I’ve found something I can stick to. You’re intrigued. I can tell.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ceremony Timing

Thanks everybody for weighing in on my latest venue drama. Methinks we’ll try to make it work with 68 chairs and 82 standers. Keeping in mind that some of those standers will be wedding party peeps. It was pretty much consensus that I shouldn’t have a super long ceremony if people will be standing. There goes the full catholic mass.


This ceremony has to be short and sweet. Short is no problem but I hope we don’t have to sacrifice sweet and meaningful for it.

We still want to include a reading or two. At the very least I might just have to weave them into the programs.

I personally wanted to do the wine and chocolate ritual ala Mrs. Lovebug.

And then there are the vows. Writing our own might result in them being on the long side. Traditional vows are short, to the point and have worked for countless couples before us sooo. . .

Can we do all of this in twenty minutes or should I prepare myself to lose something?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Organization Update

Remember when I was trying to decide what to get to organize the influx of wedding stuff? Well, I went ahead and bought the workstation and the bookcase. Look at how pretty they are:

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Round and Round We Go


The other little kink in the plan is the setup of the ceremony. Given the layout of the space the catering director suggested doing the ceremony in a round. Lovely suggestion!  During a bit of bridal induced mania I once considered this option but had to let go of the notion. It just didn't work in the previous space.  Another digression, I apologize.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What about the Aged and Infirm?


When last I left you there was a decision to be made. @Steph c @Laura & @Danielle, you probably know where this is going. I’m about 99.7% sure I’m going with the ‘shrooms, which then presents the problem of less than half of my guests being able to get a seat during the ceremony. So who gets to sit? Why, the aged and infirm of course. The sick part of me keeps picturing people sending in doctor’s notes with their RSVPs.  I digress.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Venue Lemonade


When your venue gives you lemons… you make lemonade!  Lest you forget what lemonade is like, let me remind you. It’s tasty tis true but it can also be a bit tart. Pucker up dah-lings as I bring you the sweet and not so sweet about the venue.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Venue Lemons


When last I mentioned the venue I was perhaps a touch overly dramatic. I have since gained some perspective and calmed down a tad. Alas, I am still left with some lemons when it comes to the venue.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

More Etsy Love

I just received my purchase from another wonderful Etsy seller. It’s this beauty here:

Wednesday, March 9, 2011



I love having minions. Everybody should have minions. Don’t worry my minions don’t mind being called minions. I’ve known them since they were wee ones in high school and now they are all growed up and in college. In order to get my invitations assembled I will be calling upon these dutiful souls to assemble, in my basement, for an assembling party. 

There’s some coordination involved since they have different spring breaks.  Luckily for me, there are a couple of days that overlap. I’m also taking some time off from work to get these puppies in order.

We’ve got the who (minions), the where (basement) now we need the what, as in what they will be doing.

I present the minion assignments.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sneak Peek – Invitations

It might be a touch early for this but I’m thrilled that it’s all coming together.

Friday, March 4, 2011

February Wrap-up & March Gear up

It's that time again. . .

Whew! Another month gone and I'm starting to get nervous. The year is whizzing by. Here's how productive I was in February:

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Place for Everything

…and everything in its place.  Something just occurred to me as I started to put together my list of supplies for the invitations. Hey kiddo, where are you going to put all this stuff? Hmmm…. Good point.  It’s not just the invite stuff either. As this wedding thing looms closer, I’m going to start acquiring more and more stuff. And I can’t…nay I won’t let it look like this:


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hair Today…More Tomorrow

Well folks it’s been 90 days since I started my prenatal vitamins (To grow my hair of course).  I don’t think I felt any healthier but I want to believe my hair grew. It may have grown about a half an inch to an inch. We did some very unscientific measuring. Here’s the before and after:

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