Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Picking a Wedding Photographer

I’ll admit that I got a wee bit carried away when I started looking for a photographer.

This is a screen shot of my bookmarks for photographers. And yes, there’s more if you scrolled. Ummm, I have over 30 bookmarks. Excessive? Hardly!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wedding Pie

I have a bit of an obsession. I’ve wanted a wedding pie long before pies became hip and trendy across the wedding blogosphere. Long before I even booked a venue I’ve extolled the merits of pie over cake. I’ve been dreaming of the delectable deliciousness of a wedding pie for many a year.  I mean cake is fine. You know, if you like that sort of thing but nothing beats a pie.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Table Talk

One of the questions on my checklist was about tables. It was of the utmost importance. I needed to know what my table options were and at each venue we spoke of rounds. They are the most commonly used table and for good reason. They are space savers. You can jam more tables in a space if they're round. They are great for conversations. Plus, sitting in a circle is very therapeutic. Here's my dilemma though...

Monday, September 20, 2010

These are My Confessions: Part I

It’s back to school time and I loves me some book learning. Guess who’s super excited about class time this year? Really, I am. That wasn’t sarcasm. Honest. I’m excited, sort of. Last year it was full time work, school and internship. This year I only have two classes, one day a week, and my internship hours are down 30%. Squeet! How does this relate to wedding planning? Okay, I’ll tell you.
I have about four hours of class time to get through every week. So, I will sit like the diligent student I am, pad and pen in front of me, scribbling furiously. Yep, I’ll be writing up posts for this here blog and coming up with interview questions for florists and DJs. As luck would have it, my class is not in the basement and should I be blessed with at least one bar of service… hello interweb! Yup, yup, I lurves me some class time! Oh Yeah!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

I Feel...Inspired

After perusing many a wedding blog I decided I’d give it a shot, the seemingly ubiquitous inspiration board. No doubt, if you’re planning a wedding or special event, you’ve skulked across the web downloading random images. These random images spoke to you on some level. So what do you do with all of these images? You make an inspiration board of course. It’s really not that difficult. You might remember it from elementary school when they called it a collage. Without further ado, Ladies and Gents, I present to you that which inspires me.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Time Goes by. . . So Slowly

By the time this wedding rolls around I will have spent a solid two years planning this shindig. TWO YEARS!!!! Holy Majolies!
Well I’ll have you know that there are a few perks. You look skeptical. 


Thursday, September 16, 2010

And the Winner is . . .

Ha! I didn’t tell you which venue I booked. Can you guess? It starts with “Brooklyn and ends with –useum”. Ladies and gentleman, the winner is the Brooklyn Museum of Art. Well there are a couple of pretty awesome reasons why we decided on that particular venue.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Oh The Places We’ll Go – Venue Search Part III*

Useful tools for making decisions?
Why a checklist and a handy dandy spreadsheet, of course. Gotta make sure I'm comparing guavas to guavas. The checklist was made with the help of my wedding planner.

My checklist

Being new to the whole venue search thing I had no idea what questions to ask but having a checklist to refer to ensured that I didn't forget to ask about the things that were important to me.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Oh The Places We’ll Go – Venue Search Part Dos*

Stage 6 @ Steiner Studios
Brooklyn Museum of Art
Brooklyn Academy of Music

Of course being the indecisive bride that I am I couldn’t possible make this decision solo. I needed assistance.  The judging crew included the following: Moi, Mr. H (sometimes), Mumsie, Sister, and Racaca. More on them later.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Oh The Places We’ll Go – Venue Search Part 1*

Date? Check. Theme? Check.  Location? Working on it.
Once we (mostly me) picked a date it was time to find a place to hold this little soiree. My initial list looked like this: Gotham Hall (the front runner), Broad Street Ballroom, Capitale, Brooklyn Museum of Art, Stage 6 at Steiner Studios, and the Brooklyn Academy of Music. I picked three in Manhattan and three in Brooklyn.

Two of the locations got cut quick.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Picking a date

I don’t like math and I don’t like numbers but picking a date is a numbers game.

Exhibit A

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Arriving @ a Theme

Themes are useful unifying forces for all the various elements of a wedding. But how could someone as indecisive as me commit to a theme? What kind of theme would be able to incorporate all of my hodgepodge eclecticism? Let’s see shall we?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


What up Internet? Is this thing on? Live from the B K L Y N...you may call me Keisha (with a K) and this...is my wedding. It’s an Alice in Wonderland themed affair. There’s a whole lot of heart and a whole lot of whimsy. Stay tuned it might get interesting... (And yes I love me some ellipses!)
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