That’s an understatement. I just got my first florist quote today and to say it’s over my budget is putting it mildly. Now I’ll confess, my ideas are a bit over the top. I have a very particular vision for the reception. Because of this very particular vision I’m keeping it simple for the ceremony and cocktail hour.
Not to keep you in too much suspense. . .
I opened the proposal and scrolled down to look for the total. Oh, 6 grand. Okay, over budget but not too bad I guess. Wait, why does that say deposit amount? Does she want me to deposit the full amount? Hmmm… if that’s not the total. . .
Holly hell muffins!
She said in the email that it was considerably over my budget.
Yeah to the tune of $20,000. That’s pronounced twenty thousand doll hairs. As my friend Pippa would say: "That’s a whole lot of doll hairs!"
Maybe I need to consider:
a) scaling back my vision
b) getting another quote
c) figuring out how we can do this ourselves
d) balloons